Olivier Perret
MA (Master of Arts): Ancient History (Latin & Ancient Greek)
Loving to discover and to share my discoveries, at ease either with letters or with numbers, I have proven experience in teaching, coaching, administrative management, banking-insurance advice, customer care, as well as in historical and archaeological research.
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A word of advice:
To get the most out of this blog, it is worth reading these articles in chronological order.
El que busca la verdad corre el riesgo de encontrarla.
Manuel VINCENT, Spanish writer
Il est plus facile de désintégrer un atome qu'un préjugé.
Does SATOR Square confirm the Textus receptus ?
Advice from the SATOR Square
Revelations of the SATOR Square
The Stars of SATOR Square
The SATOR ROTAS Square of Pompeii: a Graffiti like no Others
Our Cultural Origins: Rome, Athens and Jerusalem
Do You Know the SATOR Square?
My articles have been published ... :

... in Spanish in Web Oficial de la Publicación Digital de Historia y Arqueología:
2020.01.28: https://www.historiayarqueologia.com/2020/01/sator-e-ichtys.html (Historia/Noticias)
2018.05.07: https://www.historiayarqueologia.com/2018/05/el-cuadrado-sator-rotas-de-pompeya-un.html (Enigmas/Historia/Noticias)
2018.02.13: https://www.historiayarqueologia.com/2018/02/nuestros-origenes-culturales-roma.html (Historia/Noticias)
2017.11.13: Historia y Arqueología: ¿Conoce el Cuadrado SATOR? (Historia/Noticias)
... and in Spanish also in Revista de Historia (short version):
2017.11.16: https://revistadehistoria.es/el-misterio-del-cuadrado-sator/ (Antigua)