The Stars of SATOR Square
This SATOR Square
is surprising: even if its message is simple and clear for a person passionate
about truth, it nevertheless contains different readings, at different levels
and in different fields. There are therefore several ways to examine it
Let us now deepen a new approach (2) and make an astronomical reading of this inscription (3).
The SATOR Square, in fact, allows us to make this astronomical reading and the inscription itself encourages us to do so, because it contains the word "star", astrum in Latin (4), composed of letters arranged... precisely in the shape of a star!
Following the arrows counter-clockwise (5), from A to O (6), we discover the line of a 5-pointed star and read: A-S-T-R-O, astro, which - with the dative or the ablative of astrum - can be so translated: by the star, for the star, with the star.
We see here an invitation to follow the star, to let ourselves be guided and illuminated by this good star... but which star precisely (7)?
Again, to discover what this star represents, the Revelation of John, written in the same decade as the SATOR Square (8), gives us a very beautiful lead: it reveals to us first that the star is a person, and then, that this person is none other than Christ, the bright star of the morning (9).
We can then translate ASTRO in this way: through Christ, for Christ, with Christ, which confirms once again the Christian origin of this inscription and its link with the Book of Books.
The most curious thing is that the mention of the bright morning star appears only once in the entire Bible and only occurs, moreover, in the last book of the Holy Scriptures, and even more, at the end of its very last chapter (10). Jesus attributes this "title" to himself by simultaneously recalling his return, i.e. his second coming (11). He also confirms that his coming is close and even that it will be fast (12).
Moreover, since astrum can refer to what is currently a star or planet, it would be fair to compare the bright morning star of the SATOR Square to the astronomical Venus, to the planet itself, for its similar characteristics (brightness and daytime cycle especially: see note 13).
The star of the SATOR Square, which the planet Venus illustrates well, is therefore a sign, visible especially at dawn (in our case) and which announces - for those who are attentive to it - the end of these tenebrous times and the beginning of a new and glorious day (14).
Astrum, in Latin, means the star, but also the constellation. The Romans called Canis astrum for the Constellation of the Dog, for example. The constellation is a group of stars that forms like a drawing, like a figure in the night sky. ASTRO, astro, can therefore also be translated: by the constellation, for the constellation, with the constellation.
We see this as another invitation to follow this constellation. Another invitation to discover which constellation it is.
To do this, we propose two ways that will lead us to the same result: that of doubling the central letters of the SATOR Square and that of the order of the letters of the word ASTRO.
a. The first track:
The SATOR Square surprised us when we discovered the possibility of doubling its 2 letters E like the N, which made it easier for us to read, translate and interpret (15).
As we discovered that 3 of the 25 letters of the inscription are duplicated (E - N - E), we realized that the number 3 also reminds us of the Trinity and that the central repetition of the N, more firm (since it is a structural and non-vocal repetition), represents Christ again, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world and who is at the center of the throne of God (16).
Let us see what position the 3 doubled letters, E -N -E, occupy in the inscription itself (see opposite photo).
If we follow the reasoning that the SATOR Square itself invites us to do in the astronomical field, we should take these three groups of two letters as three bright stars that would serve as a testimony and an easy reference point to find in the night sky.

And another surprise: these three luminous points, similar and equidistant, first exist and then it is very easy to find them, because there is only one trio of stars aligned, in the whole northern hemisphere as in the southern hemisphere, which forms what is called the Orion belt. These three identical stars are at the centre of the Orion constellation - like the double letters in the centre of the inscription - and are, moreover, oriented almost in the same way, NW-SE, that is, almost vertically in the sky: these three stars are Mintaka, Alnilam and Alnitak (17).
As all the other stars in the sky are randomly and variably distributed, this makes this trio of stars, at night, an essential landmark (18).

Thanks to the three central and doubled letters (19) of the inscription, we easily discover this Belt of Orion, and by the same token, the Constellation of Orion in itself.
Indeed, by always following this first track, we notice that the letters E - N - E are always between the two T of TENET. These letters T mark as the end of the bars of the cross that appears in the inscription: they are therefore its limit. However, to speak of the end, of the limit, even of the border, is to say orion in Greek (20), which reminds us of the very name of the Constellation of Orion (21), as it was named in the Greek-Roman world.

In addition, the
T, taw in Hebrew - which was
originally written as an X, as a cross - is also the last letter of the Hebrew
alphabet, which marks its end, so to speak. The 4 taw thus indicate, in the form of stars, the end of the simple and
central constellation of Orion, perfectly visible to the naked eye.
Indeed, during night observation, once you discover the trio of stars, it is very easy to discover the other 4 that form, with the central stars, like an hourglass or a large bow tie.

It is not possible to make a mistake: by marking these 7 letters which are seven luminous points (E-N-E + 4xT = 3+4 = 7 stars), it is the simplest way to represent the constellation of Orion, the largest and brightest constellation in the night sky, known to any amateur astronomer (22). It is also the most fascinating: it actually has 206 stars and many nebulae that are a breeding ground for new stars (23) and it serves as a reference to find other constellations visible in the sky at the same time as it or not (24).
b. The second track:
We have found another way to discover the Constellation of Orion in the SATOR Square. As we already announced in note 5 of this article, the meaning of the letters of the word ASTRO is not there by chance: it corresponds - in a surprising way - to the order in the sky of the first 7 brightest stars of the Constellation of Orion, classified in decreasing order of their luminous intensity!
If we look in the sky for a group of stars whose luminous intensity is decreasing and which is aligned with the figure represented by the succession of letters of the word ASTRO, we easily discover - and only - the stars of the Constellation of Orion which are as follows:

· A = Betelgeuse..... (alpha Orionis);
· S = Rigel.............. (beta Orionis);
· T = Bellatrix......... (gamma Orionis);
· R = Mintaka, Alnilam and Alnitak (delta, epsilon and zeta Orionis);
· O = Saif al Jabbar... (eta Orionis).
The 3 stars in the centre of the constellation form a whole, which is why we group them into a single Roman letter, the R. We are not going to repeat here that this is certainly a new reference to the Triune God (three in one), since we must consider the Orion Belt as a single reference point to be able to discover this very track.
This trio is like a brand, a signature. It was called in different ways, without ever losing its spiritual connotation: the Three Kings, the Three Magi, the Jacob's Ladder, the Three Marys... up to China where it is also called "The Three".
We have therefore found two tracks wich confirm that the Constellation of Orion is clearly visible... in the SATOR Square precisely! That gives to this inscription an even deeper meaning than what we expected at the beginning of our research (25).
How is it possible to find this correspondence, so precise and so profound, between the Latin inscription and the constellation of Orion? We have only one answer to that: it is really proof that the Creator is its creator (26)! It is clear that the Triune God wants to speak to us through the very message of this inscription, but He also wants to speak to us even more deeply by using astronomy, the world of the stars. By using the figure of the star (represented by the letters ASTRO, the planet Venus) and the figure of the Constellation of Orion (defined by E-N-E and the 4 T, as well as by the order of the letters of the word ASTRO), He knows how to use the simple things of nature and the universe to teach us the most profound spiritual realities.

Orion, the strong and valiant hunter, with his bow in his left hand and in the company of his two dogs (Canis maior and Canis menor), while hunting the hare (constellation of the same name), is confronted with a bull that attacks him by surprise (the constellation of the Taurus facing him): he then slightly lifts his left foot to pull the sling with his right hand... (see attached photo and note 27).
The Orion hunter is also well known from all ancient mythologies. Despite many differences in all those stories, there is one constant that emerges: Orion is still a deified hunter-man, with great strength and who is involved in various struggles or fights (28).
The Constellation of Orion represents well this struggle of evil against good.
Orion's belt indicates where the evil is and the alignment of his trio of stars points to the Constellation of the Bull at the top right. The Bull is seen from the front, here, with its head in the shape of a triangle upside down and with its evil eye which is Aldebaran, a giant star of red-orange color, fire color (29).
On this basis, we can see better the meaning of these celestial figures which demonstrate the constant struggle of evil against good. Good has an enemy, evil, but evil has to deal with two enemies: good and evil itself, which is why in the long run, evil is always a loser (30).
On the spiritual level, the apostle Paul had already given us this advice, which still resonates in our ears today: Do not let yourself be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (31).
The Gospel is this Good News, the centre of divine revelation: God wants to restore the relationship of men with Him by freeing them from the slavery of evil. And Revelation announces the events of the end times, when Jesus will manifest his final victory over all the powers of evil. This is the real Star Wars!
Finally, just as ASTRO - in relation to the star, the planet Venus - can mean by (for, with) Christ, so ASTRO - in relation to the constellation of Orion - can also mean by (for, with) the authority of God, the throne of God (32).
If the SATOR Square is surprising by its living message of redemption in Jesus Christ, by its integration of Roman, Greek and Hebrew cultures and mentalities, by the reaction it has also caused in the public since its origin, it is even more surprising in its astronomical reading.
Indeed, the astronomical analysis of this ancient Latin inscription further confirms its Christian origin, because it gives rise to multiple references to the Book of Books and especially to Revelation. To our knowledge, there is only the Bible that allows us to illuminate and explain these two figures - the star and the stars - that appear in the 25 letters of the SATOR Square:
a. The figure ASTRO, the Star of the Shepherd, the planet Venus - Christ;
b. The order of the letters of the word ASTRO (or E-N-E and the 4 T): the Constellation of Orion, this very large group of stars - the throne of God.
We still need the Bible to understand:
a. that ASTRO invites us to follow its light. The star guides us, no more, no less, to the person of Christ and even to his near return: it invites us to be ready for this great event;
b. that the Constellation of Orion - by the aggroupment of stars all different from each other but united in a single and grandiose spectacle - presents us with the very authority of God in the midst of his own, his stars, and his unlimited creative power as his great might to finally make peace prevail (33).
Finally, this is what this inscription seems to tell us about this morning star, Venus, and the largest of the constellations in the sky, Orion! The latter illuminates us during the night by presiding over both the time of harvest and the Hebrew New Year, and this first illuminates us from the dawn of a new day. In short, it is the star to lead us to the stars, the star to save us from disaster, that is, Christ and the (universal) Church, Christ to lead us to the Father's house.
Heaven still bears witness to this constant struggle of evil against good, knowing that evil will finally be defeated by good.
At the end, there is a revelation so great contained in the five words of the SATOR Square that it cannot, to our knowledge, be simply of human origin: it must have been given to the apostle Paul himself by the Holy Spirit, a revelation that he received and transmitted with the zeal that characterizes him.
During his 4th missionary journey, the apostle Paul approached Italy in Pozzuoli, a town near Pompeii, and stayed there for a week (34). It may be that there already, having clearly understood the divine message he fixed in the SATOR Square, Paul, even in the chains, then began to teach this living message immediately to his fellow travellers and to his new Roman public...
To Read Other Articles ?
1. We already know three different ways of examining this inscription, either by letters, by numbers, or by its agricultural context:
a) Charles Cartigny carries out an approach to this inscription through poetry and epos (Charles Cartigny, Le carré magique, testament de Saint-Paul, Diffusion Picard, Paris, 1984);
b) He carries out yet another approach by studying its relationship with the agricultural land in France and elsewhere (Charles Cartigny, Carré magique? Non. Carré sacré, Editions A. and J. Picard, Paris 1972);
c) Nicolas Vinel, on the other hand, analyses it numerically (Nicolas Vinel, Le Judaïsme caché du carré Sator de Pompéi, The hidden judaism of the Pompeiian Sator square, p. 173-194 in
2. To get the most out of this article, it is worth reading the previous articles of this blog ( in chronological order:
a. SATOR: its translation and message;
b. ORIGINS: the historical context of the SATOR Square, linked to the Roman, Greek and Hebrew civilizations;
c. SATOR-ROTAS: and realize the impact that this inscription has had since its inception.
3. Astronomical and not astrological, there is a big difference between these two concepts, it is necessary to specify it! We examine here the concrete aspect of the position of stars in the sky, the structure of the universe, that is, astronomy itself, and not astrology, the alleged influence that stars would have on humans (stars that are often more planets than stars...).
4. Astrum,i,neutral means the star, the constellation; in the plural and in a figurative sense, astra means the sky. The word star in Greek, ἀστὴρ, aster, has in addition, and among other things, the figurative meaning of famous person, we could say a star! The same meaning also exists in Hebrew: a star (כּוֹכָ֜ב) comes out of Jacob (Numbers 24:17)... it will be the Messiah (Matthew 2:2).
5. The sense of reading is not there by chance either: it corresponds - to our greatest surprise - to the order in the sky of the first 7 brightest stars of the Constellation of Orion, classified in decreasing order of their luminous intensity! We could not find any other constellation where the stars would be classified in the same order, neither among the 48 counted during Claudius Ptolemy's time (astronomer-geologist of the 2nd century AD), nor even among the 88 constellations in total that currently exist in our starry sky.
N.B. The photo of the Orion's Constellation - which appears in different places in the article - is taken by Akira Fujii.
6. From A to O: the same letters as the famous A-O accompanying the PATER NOSTER, representing the alpha and omega, the first and last, the very person of Christ. See note 8 in:
7. It would be worthwhile to carry out extensive research throughout Greek-Roman iconography or literature to see if there were any written traces of this five-pointed star. This would be another thesis topic for anyone interested... In fact, knowing the true origin of the inscription, and because we have little time, this time we take a shortcut to get to the essentials right away, without unnecessarily lengthening our analysis here with too many details (which are already numerous in themselves).
8. For the date of Revelation, around 66-67 AD, see the arguments developed in (consulted on 01.10.2018). For the date of writing of the SATOR Square around 60-65: see the section Dating and influence in
9. Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star (ὁ ἀστὴρ ὁ λαμπρός, ὁ πρωϊνός). Here Jesus declares himself to be the morning star. He also said in John 12:46 I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness. Peter also mentions (in 2 Peter 1:19): We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.
10. The expression the bright morning star appears only once in the entire Bible (Revelation 22:16), while the morning star appears three times (2 Peter 1:19; Revelation 2:28; 22:16). This is yet another link between the one and the three, between Christ (appearing once) and the Triune God (appearing three times).
11. Revelation 22:20 He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon." Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
12. I am coming soon (Revelation 22:20). In the Greek original we read: I am coming quickly (ταχύ).
13. There is nothing to prevent the morning star from being associated with the planet Venus, the brightest planet in the solar system, also known as the Shepherd's Star. It is the third brightest star after the Sun and Moon (again the number 3!). However, we think, God with his divine love (agape) would only be seen there palely reflected by Venus, ancient goddess of beauty and love, mother of Cupid (of erotic love, eros). The comparison of ASTRO with the astronomical Venus is therefore much richer and more instructive than with the mythological Venus, because the latter is only a weak glow of the true star hidden in the SATOR Square.
Moreover, for the Ancients, because Venus cannot be contemplated during the night, the Star of the Shepherd was in fact two different stars: a star in the morning, Eos, and another in the evening, Vesper. Nevertheless, the diurnal cycle of the planet, which makes it appear alternately in the East and then in the West, recalls the palindromic character of the SATOR Square, which can be read in either direction. Giving to ASTRO the name of the Star of the Shepherd also reminds us of the rural context of the inscription. Moreover, according to the parallelism offered by the inscription, Jesus is this good shepherd (John 10:11,13).
14. For the star as a sign or judgment, see among others Joel 2:28-29 or Acts 2:29-32 (where the changing manifestations of the sun, moon and stars are the indicators of world and escatological events).
For the star as a manifestation of a new day, see among others 2 Peter 1:19 We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; and 1 John 2:8 Yet I am writing you a new command; its truth is seen in him and in you, because the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining (the new day is soon approaching, it is the dawn of a new day; it also recalls the motto of the Reformation in Geneva: POST TENEBRAS LUX).
15. See the section Meaning of AREPO in and especially note 12.
16. See also note 13 in To confirm that there is nothing random in this inscription, the N, can correspond to the star Alnilam in the centre of the Orion Belt, a star that is much further away in space than Mintaka and Alnitak: this means that it is also in reality much larger and brighter than its two companions, but that, seen from Earth, it has the same luminosity as them. Astronomical data confirm this: Alnilam is 30,000 times larger than our Sun, Alnitak "only" 8,000 times and Mintaka 4,000 times; Alnilam is 1,345 light years from Earth, Alnitak "only" 816 ly and Mintaka 919 ly (see for example:, consulted on 18.10.2018).
Yes, the universe is big! And we are only in Orion's (small) arm, in one of the 7 arms of our crossed spiral Galaxy, the Milky Way. This means, in astronomical terms, that the Constellation of Orion is right next to our solar system.
17. If we know that Mintaka is actually slightly further north than her two companions, Alnitam and Alnitak, and that she does not exactly follow their alignment, this further reinforces the idea of apparent verticality, because she tends towards Bellatrix. There was therefore no other way to render this effect of the vertical axis of the Orion Belt by including it in a quadrillateral of only 5 letters to the side... as precisely represented by the SATOR Square.
18. There are only 2 other easily identifiable landmarks in the night sky: Sirius, the brightest visible star to the naked eye, and the Pleiades, a group of more than seven stars that always forms a small halo of light.
19. The doubled letters (E - N - E) of the SATOR Square represent, once again and in a surprising way, the astronomical reality: the Orion Belt is not composed of three simple and banal stars, quite the opposite: Alnitam is a blue super giant, Mintaka and Alnitak are, for their part, multiple stars (they are stellar systems composed of three or more stars).
20. In fact, to orion: the end, the limit, the border. ORION, the name of the hero as well as the constellation, in Greek, is written more precisely with the omega, the long O (ôriôn) and not with the micron O (the small O), but as we saw that the omega of the inscription was written with a normal O in Latin (see the section The Father in, we allowed ourselves here this link between the proper name Orion and the common name to orion. In Hebrew, Orion says כְּסִִ֣יל.
21. It should also be noted that the Constellation of Orion is already mentioned three times in the Bible, even long before the classical Greek period began. The three passages are: Job 9:9; 38:31 and Amos 5:8. By the way: three passages - the number 3 - is another allusion to the Triune God.
22. Also the importance of the number 7 in the Bible is no longer to be demonstrated: only to recall that from the 7 days of creation to the 7 trumpets of Revelation, this number expresses what is perfect, perfection, completeness.
23. The constellation is so beautiful to see on the telescope that we would like to give you a few links to see it in NASA videos:
And also a link to the photos of the nebulae of the Orion Constellation:
24. In mythology, Orion is even related to the constellation of Scorpio, which is at the antipodes.
25. I didn't think that, during the summer of 2016, when I introduced my daughter to the SATOR Square through games, without knowing much about the subject myself, I didn't think that, piqued by curiosity afterwards, I would have been led so far in the analysis, step by step, of this inscription. I can now affirm that the SATOR Square is not comparable to all the existing Latin inscriptions, both in its interest and its depth. Soli Deo gloria.
26. In other words, the Creator is indeed the creator of the universe, and therefore of the Constellation of Orion, but also of this inscription, the SATOR Square! (See for example Ge 1; Ps 96:5; 102:25; Za 12:1; Col 1:16). Moreover, we know that the Creator expressed himself through his son (Heb 1:1-2 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe). We find here this same link between the Creator and man (PATER NOSTER - SATOR / Orion - Christ): see section The Sower is our Father in
27. Image from
28. See in particular Jean-Michel Renaud. Le catastérisme chez Homère. Le cas d'Orion. In: Gaia : revue interdisciplinaire sur la Grèce Archaïque, number 7, 2003. p. 205-214 (The author observes that the poet Homer, for example, does not bother to explain that Orion is both a man and a constellation, a hero and a god: he takes this fact for granted, which is not self-evident for other heroes).
29. Astronomically Aldebaran is the... 13th brightest star in the night sky. It is a variable star, i.e. unstable in terms of its luminosity and it is practically alone: it is far ahead of the Hyades group that it seems to follow (hence its name). Moreover, the Constellation of Taurus deceives us: its stars - which are quite small - seem to be almost as bright as those of Orion, because the former are ten times closer to our solar system than the latter.
It is curious that even in astronomy, Aldebaran represents something negative, hostile to Orion, God's warrior. This is quite normal when we know that the Creator positioned the stars he created to form the main known constellations of that time, leaving it to man to imagine the different legends that relate to them.
30. Aldebaran, here, the most visible star in its constellation, fights against the central trio, the three bright stars of the Constellation of Orion: the balance of power is clear, it is one against three. So we can see in advance who will lose. Moreover, the struggle is constant because it is written in the sky. To see again this spiritual struggle - both historical and prophetic - typified by the example of Amalek treacherously attacking the Israelites (Exodus 17:16 Moses said: Because the hand has been raised on the throne of the Lord, there will be war between the Lord and Amalek, from generation to generation).
31. Romans 12:21. Indeed, the evil that still causes much damage and destruction is overcome when good is done.
32. The first mention of the Constellation of Orion in relation to the throne of God already appears in the history of the patriarch Jacob (Genesis 28:10-19): Jacob had a dream. And behold, a ladder was leaning on the earth, and its top was touching heaven. And behold, the angels of God ascended and descended by this ladder. And behold, the Lord stood above her, and said, I am the Lord, the God of Abraham your father, and the God of Isaac. The earth on which you lie down, I will give it to you and your descendants... And Jacob awoke from his sleep, and said, Surely the Lord is in this place, and I knew not... And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! This is the house of God, this is the gate of heaven! (Remember that Orion's Belt is also called Jacob's Ladder. It may be that the scale itself is more related to the sword of Orion, i. e. the many aligned nebulae, visible to the naked eye by a very clear sky and leading to the three central stars of the Constellation).
Then, a good millennium later, Jesus himself takes up this same passage from Jacob's dream and comments on it and thus accomplishes it himself: Truly, truly, you will now see the open heaven and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man (John 1:51).
Then, about thirty or forty years later, this information was transcribed and hidden in the first inscriptions of the SATOR Square, which is the subject of this article.
It is then necessary to wait until the end of the 19th century, to our knowledge, to find in writing this link between the Constellation of Orion and the throne of God in Ellen White's own works.
Finally, less than a decade ago, Victor Sanvincens Guaita presented this relationship - in a series of lectures published on his website: El Gran Engaño - in an original and very interesting way. It is worth following his development, which may seem a little disjointed at first, but is presented with a lot of logic (he also gives precise references to Ellen White's works): (Orion) (Orion Belt).
33. Both astronomically and geologically, we can see that there have already been several divine impacts, very precise in space and time. We will mention only a few of them:
The Orion Constellation is this concrete place of the creator's impact with his first creation, the universe, a place that still generates new stars.
God's impact with the planet Earth leads to the creation and restoration of the human being in itself.
God's impact with his chosen people is still visible on the blackened summit of Mount Sinai in Arabia (as revealed by Ron Wyatt, a brilliant archaeologist of the biblical world).
And the impact of God's love for all men was expressed at its highest point through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in Golgotha (that place of the Skull on Mount Morija in Jerusalem).
34. Acts 28:13-14.
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Great post! (Roza Knoke, Germany - 2019.07.27)
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